A shocking claim was made about Kerem Bürsin and Hande Erçel, whose love affair started in the TV series “Sen Çal Kapımı” and progressed unabated.

While pretending to be engaged, Serkan & Eda begin to have a passionate, challenging relationship that will make you forget all they know right.
What creates similarities between Hande Erçel and Demet Özdemir?
As we said, relationships are complicated when it comes to celebrities.

Is this their way of confirming their relationship? Are we expecting a proposal from Hande & Kerem? Images of them were shown as proof of love.

Is he single | Does he have a secret girlfriend | Who has Burak Deniz date before | What is his ideal woman & Many More.

Hande Erçel published a written statement on her social media account regarding the separation decision. Well, are these claims true?